Tanzbilanzen: Eine Langzeitstudie

„Tanzbilanzen“ beschäftigt sich mit der Biografie von Tänzer*innen nach ihrer aktiven Tanzkarriere. Porträts von Tänzer*innen während und nach ihrer aktiven Laufbahn sowie Interviews zu ihrer heutigen Situation sollen auf die besonderen Lebensläufe von Tänzer*innen aufmerksam machen.

Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

Maskenmüll / Mask litter

About a year ago I was walking along a lonesome street as my eyes fell on a surgical mask lying on the ground. I thought, “oh, someone has lost his/her mask…”.
Minutes after, I was passing buy a bus stop, when a bus actually stopped and a women stepped out. She took her mask off and dropped it to the ground quite naturally.
I was quite astonished. My firs thought was to pick up the mask, run to the woman and say “…excuse me lady, you have just lost this, here you are…” But I didn`t wahnt to pickup a used mask. Besides, I’m not sure that I would have changed her behaviour either…

It must of been about the time when surgical mask become compulsory. At about April or May 2020…?

On the coming weeks, I started to perceive that more and more masks were to be seen littering our streets.
It was then that I had the idea to document this social behaviour. Because by then, it was clear to me that it has not just a couple of thoughtless people, but an important part of our society that behaved this way. So at certain point I took out my Smartphone and started photographing abandoned masks.

Executions, 2010

Kreuzigung und anderen Politische Hinrichtungs-Unarten

…die gequälte Seele, 2010

Morhings 2004